
God Bless You, and Welcome!

Christian Outreach Fellowships is a Non-Denominational Church that is dedicated to glorifying God. The primary way in which this is accomplished is through reconciling people back to God. This is done by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and helping people to understand and apply this Gospel in their daily lives.

Jesus Christ commanded his disciples, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Our Lord also commanded the disciples to love another and serve one another as he had loved and served them (John 13:13, 14, and 34). Our Lord also taught them to obey his words, as he had obeyed his Father’s words (John 14: 21 – 24;  15: 7-10).

The example of our Lord and his followers, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures, is how we, as a church, conduct our fellowships. We meet primarily in the homes for worship, study, and prayer, as did Jesus. The fellowship at the last supper is an excellent example (John 13 -16). The book of Acts also shows clearly that the homes of the believers were the center of the outreach and teaching of their Christian faith.

Committed disciples took the words of our Lord Jesus Christ seriously and served, lived, and preached the Gospel to all those around them.

It is the goal of Christian Outreach Fellowships to help committed believers fulfill our Lord’s commissioning and establish fellowships in every place that God Almighty, by His grace and mercy, will allow us to establish.

It is my prayer that this website will be a help to you in your service to God. You will find information about what we offer and have available for your spiritual enrichment and growth.